Make A Change Charity

Is a cooperative organization setup to help raise funds for the needy in order to provide positive change around the world. There is no limit to what you can raise!

Why Make a Change Charity?

0% Administrative Expenses

Make A Change doesn’t take portion of your donation for administrative expenses

Awesome Mission

All you have to do is care and want change to happen, and together we can help and make a difference

Tax Deductible

Make A Change is a US based 501(c) charitable aid organization. Donations made to our charity are tax deductible

Why Trust Us?

We are a 501(c) US based non-profit organization that supports good causes and positive change all over the world.

We provide help to children, mothers, mosques, and people in need or with medical conditions.

We partner with other charitable organizations and support them with their projects.

0% Management fees, that means your entire donation goes straight to the cause.

We help mosques in the US get funding for improvements.

Make A Change Charity is a US 501(C) aid organization. Donations made to our charity are tax deductible.

How I can make a donation?


Paypal onbe of the most popular digital payment platforms available today.

To make a donation, simply choose PayPal by clicking on the corresponding button below


You can mail a check payable to "MAKE A CHANGE CHARITY INC" to

576 Valley Rd, PMB227

Wayne, NJ 07470.

Please include your email or physical address so we can provide you with the tax deduction letter.


Venmo one of the most popular digital payment platforms available today.

To make a donation, simply choose Venmo by clicking on the corresponding button below


Frequently Asked Question

Is this donation tax deductible?

Make A Change Charity is a 501(c)3 tax-exempt organization, and your donation is tax-deductible within the guidelines of U.S. law. To claim a donation as a deduction on your U.S. taxes, please keep your email donation receipt as your official record. We'll send it to you upon successful completion of your donation, our EIN: 88-3627024

How can I recived a tax-deductible letter?

Once we receive your donation to our bank account using Check and wire, we will send you a donation letter by email. Or you can contact us at admin"at"

You can contact us at admin"at"

How do I donate by check?

You can mail a check payable to "MAKE A CHANGE CHARITY INC" to

576 Valley Rd, PMB227

Wayne, NJ 07470.

Please include your email or physical address so we can provide you with the tax deduction letter.

How I can specify what campaign I'm donating to?

You can write the campaign number on the check or the wire transfer note.

How can my employer match my donation?

Contact us at admin(at) to help facilitate your gift request or email your completed matching gift application.

Get in touch
